Students' Corner

Dear students, this is your page! We welcome you all to send us your write-ups, projects, views and pieces of creative writing and we will display those on this page. So, start thinking and get going!

Submissions to be emailed at

Sereena Waseem

5 Green (Girls)

STEM Activity Videos

Yalina Riaz, Maham Javad, and Sabayyal Noor

Ahad Abdullah

6 Blue (Boys)

Yalina Riaz

4 Green (Girls)

Mashal Ikhtiar

5 Blue (Girls)

Muhammad Shaheer

6 Yellow (Boys)

Rafay Mughal

4 Blue (Boys)

M. Ramish Tahir

7 Blue (Boys)

Fatima Shafaat

7 Blue (Girls)


9 Blue (Girls)

Niazmeen Mehboob

10 Blue (Boys)

M. Talha awan

4 Orange (Boys)

Syed muhammad ayub

4 Orange (Boys)

Maimoona Adil

10 Blue (Girls)

Sameer Khan

10 Green (Boys)

Muhammad Ahmad

10 Green (Boys)